The European Landscape
Convention of the European Council, in particular Article 9 on transnational
cooperation, forms a fundamental principle of the Three Countries Park.
On the occasion of the 2nd International Landscape Day of the European Council,
the Croatian Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning organized a
conference during the Croatian chair of the European Council. The Three
Countries Park was invited to present itself and its projects. In particular,
the LP3LP Project and the Dear Landscape Project met with great interest among
the international audience. For it is landscape policies and the formulation of
landscape quality objectives based on the perception of people that are the
objective of the European Landscape Convention. These are to be developed not
only in outstanding landscape regions, but should improve the day-to-day living
space of people throughout the territory of a member state, in rural, urban,
peri-urban regions and also ‘waterscapes’, both in particularly beautiful and
also in commonplace areas: a principle that also guides the work in 3LP.
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