In the Pays Mosan project, Belgian and Dutch nature conservation organizations are collaborating on the restoration of species-rich grasslands on limestone sites in and around 40 Natura 2000 regions in the catchment area of the Meuse. The project is funded by the European LIFE programme. It is a follow-up project of the Habitat Euregio project developed by 3LP, which laid the cornerstone for successful cross-border cooperation between nature conservation organizations.
These areas are home to limestone and zinc flora that are unique to Europe. Extensive restoration measures over a total area of 350 ha are enabling rare plants, such as rock roses and orchids, to return, as well as a rich diversity of insects, including particular butterflies, such as the swallowtail (Papilio machaon). A special approach to land management, such as the use of grazing goats and sheep, has led to the development of a landscape of international standing, where visitors can enjoy a diversity of special plants and animals.
Duration: 2014-2020
Funding: LIFE Programm
Three-Countries Park: Initiation previous project Habitat Euregio
Project website: